
The Internet Writing Lab™ is an online proofing resource that marks up text with meaningful icons rather than squiggly underlining. A grammar-check report from the Lab looks like this:

these [1CAP] paragraphs is [AGREE?] an example of a Grammar [NOCAP] Check [NOCAP] listing. Their [=there] are [AGREE?] many error [PLUR?] to illustrate how error flags are inserted [PSVE] into the text.

The utility of icons in a user-computer setting was first established experimentally by Xerox and subsequently exploited by Apple as the basis for the modern graphical user interface (GUI). So, why do word-processing applications deploy an effective icon interface in all that they do except for grammar checking and then suddenly resort to squiggly lines? Frankly, we don't know, but what we can assure you is that the Internet Writing Lab® generates reports that are icon-smart all the way.

The Foremost Benefits of the Writing Lab

Grammar-check icons that elicit memory recall of specific concepts really DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Each proofing icon is linked to an illustrated statement of the principle it represents.

Computer analysis of student essays can provide a level of detail in feedback to students, teachers, and others that is not possible using human readers alone. This kind of feedback has important implications for instruction in English composition. Moreover, computer analysis can provide detailed feedback on many written products, even lengthy ones; a teacher of English will normally provide detailed feedback on only a few brief essays.

Writing Lab assessment modules evaluate writing skills and suggest where improvement is needed to be a successful player of the all-important LANGUAGE GAME ... while there's still plenty of time to 'work out the kinks.'

The Writing Lab automatically logs student performance with the submission of each writing assignment, making it possible for students, teachers, and administrators to track progress.

In addition to writing aids and assessment services, the Writing Lab also houses a graded vocabulary mastery series consisting of three-thousand (3000) words presented in drills of twenty-five words each.

As in all established fields in the world of science - but in English for the first time - classroom instruction can be coupled with 'hands-on' involvement with a variety of real-life language problems and applications in a laboratory setting.

Educators who have implemented systematic use of The Lab for their students report improved test scores.

Let's face facts - the 'Language Arts' tradition is an anachronism in a world of high technology. While there is no denying the artistic side of language, it also has its technical side, a side which must be brought forward and fully understood if we hope to bring language to heel and students to readiness for a new World Of Work.

As a means of exposing its technical aspect, we introduce the laboratory exercises as a complement to what occurs in the classroom. In this way, as per established practice in the world of science, classroom activity with Language Included™ is coupled with 'hands on' contact with real-life language problems and applications “on the work bench.”
And what better way to bring the benefits of 'The Lab' to teacher and student alike than by way of the star of modern technology, namely, the Internet. So take a moment to become familiar with
THE INTERNET WRITING LAB. Students and teachers alike, if they submit to the protocol of Language Included™, will be spending some interesting and productive hours there. 


   It's a win-win formula for student and teacher alike.
So make good use of the
Writing Lab!


The Writing Lab
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Linguistic Technologies, Inc.
