Choose sentences from the groups below to diagram. Please feel free to replace the names with your own names or pets’ names or names you make up as applicable. Also, for Group 9, please diagram the sentences for each of the three possible meanings of the sentences.
Group 1. ( Fig. 6-1)
1. Shelly came forward.
2. Emily swung up
3. Bill swam away.
4. Marshall jumped across.
Group 2. (Fig. 6-2 )
1. Zoe went into the cave.
2. Gus bounced off the bed.
3. Jade walked around the cabin.
4. Daren threw crumbs towards the pigeons.
Group 3. (Fig. 6-3)
1. Henry rode the motorcycle over the weekend.
2. Racine flew the helicopter in the morning.
3. Francis played computer games after school.
4. Mara saddled the horses at noon.
Group 4. (Fig. 6-4)
1. Cordon bought tickets for a vacation.
2. Nancy tends children for fun.
3. Larry races cars for a living.
4. Seth plays guitar for a band.
Group 5. (Fig. 6-5)
1. Tillie collected shells on the beach.
2. Angela parked the car at the curb.
3. Jude plays football in the stadium.
4. Leigh saw an alligator in the Everglades.
Group 6. (Fig. 6-6)
1. Julene galloped Whirlwind towards the sunset.
2. Candy drove the truck into the tunnel.
3. Rowland pushed the bike up the driveway.
4. Vanessa slid the water slide into the pool.
Group 7. (Fig. 6-7)
1. Howard deftly sailed the submarine.
2. Lisa hurriedly made the cookies.
3. Betty caught the pass smoothly.
4. Chris touched the kangaroo gently.
Group 8. (Fig. 6-8)
1. Reportedly, the hikers scaled the mountain.
2. Fortunately, the students passed the exams.
3. Predictably, the father saved the child.
4. Undoubtedly, the pirates explored the cave.
Group 9. (Fig. 6-9 through 6-11).
1. Andrew flew the glider on the plateau.
2. Dorothy threw the book on the table.
3. Shane put the shot-put under the tree.
4. Steve rode the dolphin among the fish.
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